Fashion editorial exploring the intersection of fashion and the performative dimensions of identity, featuring Fecal Matter and created in collaboration with Rym Guimili.
Creative Direction Rym Guimili Photography Lian Benoit & Xavier Cyr Styling Rym Guimili Production Milan Tanedjikov & Rym Guimili Styling Assistant Parker Nickerson & Tristan Cole Hair & Makeup Dyamond Tooth Gem Artist Jemée Nail Artist Rosalee Phan Set Designer Michaël Ho & Yan Ho Special Thanks Chivalry Creative

Model and garments credits :
Models Ferial, David Fontaine-Gingras, Kai Huynh & Faydja Saintilus Garments Fecal Matter Pretend to Play, Sweeven, Mathilde Carpentier & Atelier Denora
Originally published in LIGNES DE FUITE vol.3
Short Course